Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Waaarm, I'm a Liar Radio etc.

Wow, today is actually warm enough for me to have had the window open for the last hour. I know what you thinking "why do I care about your house's micro climate", "I can see the weather for myself" & "It isn't that warm, are you a crazy person?".

I'm A Liar Radio
Well slightly yes, after an extensive search of, I think, EVERY production company in these United Kingdom's (well Wales is a principality, "Yay we're special!") that has produced comedy, and noticing that a few are wanting radio scripts I've started adapting I'm a Liar for radio. I'd already thought, if it didn't get made for TV, a radio version would be the cheapest way for us to make I'm a Liar, so that's another reason too. This process is crazy-making. I've read this script a hundred times, so I've kinda forgotten which bits are funny. And then I get rid of those bits and they become brilliant. So annoying, not like my countries been ran for forty years by a tyrant who wears "shades" annoying, but pretty annoying. I'm also teaching myself the format which is like learning to write with your left hand if you're used to TV. Anyway you don't care about that really.

The future is scary as s*it
"Augmented reality will be the new reality".
By the looks of this advert the future is full of people saying things they couldn't possibly understand, with complete conviction (nothing changes). Pity by 2021 University will cost M$1,000,000 (M$ = Mars Dollars), they'll be no public services so their babies will be born in skips and virtual reality will leave them bloated, impatient, monsters.

Scott Pilgrim-a-like
I've just realised the Scott Pilgrim character I look like is
Comeau. I'm not like him though, I k
now no one, not even you.

Comeau, look glasses and floppy fringe like me.

Things I Like:
"Back in the day" Hip Hop:
Mos Def – Oh No - (best of decade I version) (Spotify)

Watching 5 episodes a day at least of this sitcom:
The Office(US) Imdb watchonline
Proving America doesn't always F*ck up remakes.

Smartest people on the net:
(did I just write 'on the net?')

Laziest game of Tennis:

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